To achieve consistent high growth, you need an accurate way of forecasting future sales.

A sales forecast is about understanding the general direction of your sales, and how much risk you want to put into your forecast, to achieve the sales you want.

Too many High Growth business ignore forecasting as unnecessary because they have more than enough sales.

By the time the realise their mistake, it’s too late and either they’ve run out of cash, or they have let sales get too far ahead of their organisation, and there a complete mismatch between their ability to sell, and their ability to deliver.

Simply put, if you can’t accurately forecast your sales, you can’t plan your business.

Similarly, its vital to create a structured sales process for your business, to support and drive high growth.

This makes it easier to forecast your sales, because, you can accurately monitor the progress of individual sales opportunities

According to a recent Accenture report,

“Where a company’s sales process was followed at least 90% of the time, 70% of the sales people will achieve their targets.

However, if the sales process is followed less than 75% of the time, only 55% of sales people achieve their targets.”

So if you’d like us to help you more accurately predict your sales to meet the challenges of High Growth contact us by email on or,  call us on 0208 389 1482


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Managing  High Growth